Crystal Ball Excel 2016

  1. Crystal Ball Add In Excel 2016
  2. Crystal Ball Excel 2016 Online

Annoying isn’t it? Excel 2016 is installed (or Office 365), but that doesn’t count as 2007 or higher. Jokes about Office upgrades aside, this shouldn’t be a problem, but you can’t install.

One solution is to uninstall Office 2016, install Office 2013, then install Office 2016 again. Not great, especially as Office 2013 takes up a lot of disk space and uninstalling it can cause problems with file associations and jump lists.


The problem is caused by the way that Dashboards try to detect the presence of Excel. It’s not enough to just check that there is ‘some’ application associated with xls and xlsx, it needs to be proper Excel. The way that Dashboard does this is to search the registry for certain values.

Everything that follows is unofficial and unsupported.

To do this, follow these steps: Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Excel Options. Under Manage, click COM Add ins, and then click Go. The COM Add-ins dialog box lists all COM add-ins that are installed on the computer. The COM add-ins that are currently loaded are selected. It's a new year, and we've all got cyber resolutions and predictions. Everyone with a product or an agenda also has a podium and prophecies for the future. Instead, the start of 2019 is a chance. Cost Risk Analysis (Crystal Ball): Crystal Ball is a DOD-licensed application applied on top of Excel to provide the capability of evaluating risks associated with the project and how they affect the construction costs for the proposed project. RiskAMP is a full-featured Monte Carlo Simulation Engine for Microsoft Excel®. With the RiskAMP Add-in, you can add Risk Analysis to your spreadsheet models quickly, easily, and for a fraction of the price of competing packages. The PERT distribution for cost and project modeling. An easy-to-use wizard for creating tables and charts.

The values to search for are stored in a file called ‘product.seed.xml’. It’s stored in ‘dunitproduct.xcelsius-4.0-core-32’. If you open this in an editor (I prefer Notepad++ as it handles the formatting well), you’ll see a section that starts:

Followed by several entries similar to this:

In English, it’s just telling the installer to search the registry to see if Excel 10 is installed. The following entries are for later versions of Excel. You’ll see the last two entries are for 64 bit Excel – don’t get excited, they’re just to throw an error about 64 bit Excel!

My original plan had been to create a new entry to search for Excel 2016. Problem is, I have Office 365 installed which appears to have a different structure in the registry.

Solution: delete the section!

First backup the file. Then, starting from <prerequisite, delete everything up to and including the </prerequisite> tag after the final Excel entry. In my editor, that’s line 74 up to line 130.

Now run the installer again. If you’ve made an error, the install will very quickly fail. Restore your backup file and do the edit again.

If it’s worked, you’ll see:

Keep pressing Next, then your licence key, you’re good to go.

With the RiskAMP Add-in, you can add Risk Analysis to your spreadsheet models quickly, easily, and for a fraction of the price of competing packages.

  • The PERT distribution for cost and project modeling
  • An easy-to-use wizard for creating tables and charts
  • More than 40 random distributions, including correlated multivariate distributions
  • 20 statistical analysis functions
  • Latin Hypercube sampling
  • Comprehensive VBA integration
  • Automatic, embeddable histogram and correlation charts
  • Distribution fitting
  • Full support for 32-bit and 64-bit Excel 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019

Download a Free Trial version of the RiskAMP Add-in
Try our new browser-based risk platform, RiskAMP web

conditional risk model from our sample spreadsheets

Crystal Ball Add In Excel 2016

When you build a model of something in the real world — a stock portfolio, a project plan, a clinical trial — you have to build in assumptions about the future. You pick some values for your expected stock returns, for example, and project them into the future.

But the real world doesn't work that way. Stocks go up, and they go down. Projects run over time or under budget.

Monte Carlo simulation is a way to build this variability into your models. Instead of saying this stock will return X% every year, you can say things like this stock will return between X% and Y%; and then figure out what that means to your portfolio.

Once you have that variability in your model, you can start to understand the risk in your model.

What is the likelihood that you will lose money?

What is the probability that the project will run more than a year late?

Crystal ball add in excel 2016

There are three key parts to a Monte Carlo simulation. First, as described above, we replace fixed values — things like expected stock prices and project costs — with random variables. We are adding random variability to the model.

Once that's done, we do the second step: we recalculate the model hundreds or thousands of times, each time changing the random values. This is the 'simulation' part — we are simulating the real world where values change randomly.

Finally, the third part: we analyze the results of the model by looking at the hundreds or thousands of results, and deriving statistics from those results. For example, we might run a stock portfolio through the simulation process. Then we can look at the results and say in 25% of the cases, the portfolio lost money. Or in 75% of the cases, the portfolio outperformed the market.

sensitivity analysis using built-in regression functions

Crystal Ball Excel 2016 Online

We believe the RiskAMP Monte Carlo Add-In for Excel offers the best combination of features and low price — the best value in Monte Carlo simulation software. But don't take our word for it — we offer a free trial version of the software, as well as an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.

The RiskAMP Add-in makes it easy to get started, with a complete point-and-click user interface for creating random distributions and generating charts and graphs. Once you get more comfortable with it, you can use the full set of Excel functions to design more complex and more insightful analytical models.

And we are always happy to help you design and implement your spreadsheets to get the most our of your analysis.

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