
CREDITS: @Kaphotics for PKHeX, and I f you appreciate this tutorial, I appreciate a coffee EDIT: With recent updates to PKHeX legality involving PID/Nature/Encounters/IV with Pokemon in Gen 3/4/ generating these pokemon from scratch will ALWAYS result in an illegal pokemon as read by PKHeX.

Feb 25th, 2015

Choose your desired moves (PKHeX should inform you of any legality issues) And any PP Ups desired; Add your desired (and legal) relearn moves. You may simply click on the word 'Relearn Moves' to auto populate the data; Please note that 'Relearn Moves' fall into one of a few categories. Level 1 Moves (Such as Peck and Growl). Pokemon Sword and Shield Hack Cheats PKHex Since the beginning of the franchise, Pokemon has been an accessible game; but there are always tips and tricks to uncover. Pokemon Sword and Shield are no different, and there are plenty of things it just doesn’t tell you. Due to me being unable to get pkhex to build on arch, I've resurrected the pkhex-bin aur package. First tests have shown it's running well. Nirnakinho commented on 2019-11-17 17:48.

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  1. This is a guide on how to create seemingly legitimate Pokemon in PKHeX.
  2. If you're not interested in creating legal Pokemon, you can rename the program 'PKHaX.exe' to turn on Illegal Mode. This will allow you to use illegal abilities and 252EVs in all stats.
  3. 1.1.0 Breedables
  4. This section deals with any Pokemon that can be obtained through breeding
  5. 1.1.1 Main Info
  6. We'll go over every item in order from Top Left to Bottom Right
  7. Here's an example to follow along:
  8. Shiny & PID:
  9. Clicking the Shiny Star icon will reroll your PID to an appropriate value for a shiny Pokemon. You can also reroll the PID without shinifying by hitting the reroll button to the right. You should ALWAYS reroll PID as the LAST step in creating a Pokemon.
  10. Remember, certain Pokemon (event, transfer, special move/ability combination) cannot be legally shiny (ex: Superpower Contrary Spinda)
  11. Gender:
  12. Between the PID and Reroll Button is the gender symbol. Click this to flip the gender.
  13. Note - There is a visual glitch when using PKHeX on Macs which will cause the gender symbol to not appear sometimes. If you have this problem, go to Options > Toggle Unicode (thanks to /u/Jirachi_star for pointing this out).
  14. Species:
  15. Self-explanatory
  16. Be sure to check the box to the left if you do decide to nickname the Pokemon
  17. EXP & Level
  18. It will cap at the maximum, so if you enter in a number that is too high, it will automatically bring it down to max.
  19. Nature:
  20. Doesn't affect legality
  21. Item:
  22. Doesn't affect legality
  23. Friendship:
  24. Caps at 255
  25. Form:
  26. Can be used to make Perma-Megas, Arceus-types without respective plates, etc. These impossible forms are illegal, but can be used to troll the Battle Maison.
  27. Ability
  28. Doesn't affect legality unless you have Illegal Mode turned on.
  29. Language:
  30. This is the language of the origin game. Generally, keep this as the Language of your own game. If you want it to seem like it was traded from a foreign game, change the language.
  31. Is Egg:
  32. Makes the Pokemon come in an egg.
  33. Make sure you set the Pokemon to Level 1 and make sure it's a basic, non-evolved Pokemon with 0 friendship. Also, give it Level 1 (AKA starting) moves and 0 EVs.
  34. Infected and Cured:
  35. Check infected if you want the Pokemon to have Pokerus. The PkRs numbers don't really matter for legality. Check cured if you want the Pokemon to be unable to pass its Pokerus.
  36. Country/Sub Region/3DS Region:
  37. These 3 should be set to the residence of Pokemon's intended 3DS system, not the origin game. For example, if you plan to use it on your American 3DS and you live in New York, set this part to 'United States/New York/Americas (NA/SA)'
  38. 1.1.2 Met Info
  39. Here's an example to follow along:
  40. Origin Game:
  41. If you want this Pokemon to have transfer-only moves, then you'll have to set it to the appropriate past-gen game. Covered in the Transfer section.
  42. Met Location:
  43. Make sure it's a real ingame place (route, town, city, Battle Resort, etc.) in the origin game.
  44. Ball:
  45. For ball legality:
  46. Remember, for certain balls to be legal, some Pokemon must be obtained through certain circumstances (past-gen, event, etc.)
  47. Also, for certain moves/abilities/combinations of the two, the Pokemon have to be obtained in specific balls (ex: Superpower Contrary Spinda - Dream Ball).
  48. Met Level:
  49. Since it was (or we want it to seem) hatched, set this to Level 1.
  50. Met Date:
  51. Set this to any date after the origin game was released.
  52. Fateful Encounter:
  53. Leave this unchecked. We'll use this later for events.
  54. As Egg:
  55. Day Care Helpers
  56. Egg Met Date:
  57. Set to any date before or the same as the regular Met Date.
  58. 1.1.3 Stats
  59. You really can't mess this up unless you have Illegal Mode turned on.
  60. Here's an example to look at:
  61. 1.1.4 Attacks
  62. Here's an example to follow along:
  63. Current Moves:
  64. Make sure these are learnable by breedable Pokemon in your selected origin game.
  65. If you want transfer only moves, refer to the Transfer-only section of this tutorial.
  66. Relearn Moves:
  67. If you have egg moves in Current Moves, they will have to be here as well.
  68. 1.1.5 OT/Misc
  69. Here is an example to follow along:
  70. Trainer Information:
  71. This part is important for personalized Pokemon. If the OT, TID, and SID all match the trainer ingame, then the Pokemon will be identified as belonging to the trainer. This means it will obey the trainer, regardless of level, and it will be nicknamable!
  72. To figure out your OT and TID, go to your trainer card in the game.
  73. To figure out your SID, either use this -
  74. or trade one of your Pokemon (caught/hatched by you in game) with someone who can find it for you.
  75. Make sure you flip the gender symbol to the right of the OT box to match your trainer's gender.
  76. Latest (not OT) Handler:
  77. If you did not fill out your own info above, then you should put your OT here so the game will identify it as Pokemon traded to your trainer.
  78. Leaving this blank does not affect the ability to be traded online or used on Battlespot.
  79. Extra Bytes:
  80. The first row autofills.
  81. You can fill in the bottom row if you'd like. Most people use these to designate perfect 31 IVs in this order: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe
  82. Ribbons/Medals:
  83. Leave all medals unchecked (some of them are fine and will not mess with legality, but they don't really do anything for you). We will use them for events.
  84. Memories/Amie:
  85. We can use the same method for both OT and nonOT.
  86. Friendship, Affection, Fullness, and Enjoyment cap at 255.
  87. The default memory type -- 'The Pokémon seems to have a good memory, but it doesn’t seem to be able to remember...' -- is usually reserved for events.
  88. Here are some memories that generally work for anything:
  89. 'was stared at by the Judge intensely when it met him with...'
  90. 'battled at __'s side and defeated a Gym Leader / the Champion...'
  91. You only need to fill this in if you're not the OT.
  92. You can just fill in Latest with your current location.
  93. Encryption Constant:
  94. Reroll this as the 2nd to last step in creating a Pokemon.
  95. Immediatly afterwards, go to the Main tab and reroll PID (or shinify).
  96. 1.2.0 Transfer-only Pokemon
  97. This covers Pokemon with transfer-only moves/abilities/combinations of the 2.
  98. you can search for the Pokemon you want.
  99. Scroll to the bottom of the moves learned to find transfer-only moves.
  100. 1.2.1 Main Info
  101. If you go to
  102. Scroll to the bottom of the moves learned to find transfer-only moves.
  103. This will tell you what generation the Pokemon must come from. Select an origin game from that generation.
  104. Met Location:
  105. Where you met the Pokemon. You may have to check Bulbapedia.
  106. Self-explanatory
  107. If you want to create a wildly, encountered Pokemon (I reccommend making it hatched/bred if possible) go to Bulbapedia to find the Levels at which you can meet the Pokemon in the origin game.
  108. Fateful Encounter:
  109. Will be used for events.
  110. Encounter:
  111. In certain origin games, you'll have to set the encounter type. For breedable transfer Pokemon, you can set it to 'None'
  112. Egg Met Conditions:
  113. Self-explanatory
  114. Self-explanatory
  115. Prior to Gen 6, egg moves could only be passed by the father, so some egg move combinations are impossible. Double check legality before continuing.
  116. 1.2.5 OT/Misc
  117. Note - Remember the last 2 steps when creating any Pokemon
  118. 2. Reroll PID/shinify in the first tab
  119. 1.3.0 Events
  120. Go to Bulbapedia, search the Pokemon, and scroll down to the moves learned. If you click through the different generations, and scroll down, you can see the event moves for the Pokemon in each generation.
  121. Other lists for event only moves (these may be a bit outdated):
  125. You'll need certain info to create legit-looking events. This info can be found here:
  127. Or you can search for the Pokemon on Bulbapedia, and click 'Game location in events' in the table of contents
  128. 1.3.1 Main Info
  129. Language should be set to the Language of the event
  130. If the event has restricted nature, ability, nickname, minimum Level, etc. make sure you follow them.
  131. This should all be covered in the links provided above (1.3.0)
  132. Dates are important
  133. Rarely will Events come in eggs
  134. 1.3.3 Stats
  135. Very rarely do events have stat restrictions (Pokebank Celebi has to have at least 3 perfect IV stats)
  136. Self-explanatory
  137. As of Gen 6, events can relearn Event-only moves (not sure if this applies retroactively to old events in Gen 6 games). So if you're genning 6th Gen events, make sure you put their event-only moves in Relearn Moves.
  138. 1.3.5 OT/Misc
  139. Trainer info for events should be in the links above (1.3.0)
  140. Latest Handler should be your Trainer name. If you're making a QR code for others, you can/should leave this blank (it doesn't seem to affect tradability/usability online)
  141. Ribbons for events should also be in the links above (1.3.0)
  142. Note - Remember the last 2 steps when creating any Pokemon
  143. 2. Reroll PID/shinify in the first tab
RAW Paste Data

Here are some (basic) instructions on using PKHeX to hack your Pokémon games. PKHeX handles most main series games, notably including Let's Go!

PKHeX can do much more than what this simple tutorial shows, and if you want guidance on other nifty things it can do like item editing, game flag edits, event flag edits and other rad things, ask the Internet or the Nintendo Homebrew. Ask in the #hacking-general channel.

If you'd rather not bother generating your own mons, there is an event database here which contains pre-packed mon files that PKHeX can load and write into your save. just load the mon into PKHeX then set it into an empty space (read onwards if you don't know what that means)

Pkhex for gba roms

Pkhex Switch

  1. First of all, you'll need a Pokémon game with a save. It doesn't matter if you've only played up to the point where you set the clock, or if you've beaten the Champion. You can't generate a save to edit, you need to pull one you already have.
  2. Second, you (likely) need a hacked console, and a save data manager. For this, I'll be using Checkpoint which is recommended for the 3DS and the Switch.
  3. Here is a listing of Checkpoint's controls (on the 3DS), for your reference.
  4. On the top screen, you will see a list of your games. Scroll to select the game you intend to modify. You will see it show up on the bottom screen, like so:

    Note: I have some backed up saves here. They obviously will NOT appear on your version.

  5. Select the game by pressing A. It will show up blue:
  6. Press the left shoulder button, or tap the 'Backup' button on the screen, with 'New' selected, then press A at the following screen:

    This will copy the save file from the game to your SD card, decrypted so that you can use it.

  7. Give it a memorable name:
  8. Now, put your SD card into your computer (or activate a wireless file transfer solution).
  9. Find your save on your SD card. Here is an example directory structure. Yours will probably be very similar.
  10. Inside that folder is your save, in this case called 'main'. Note specifically that it is 435KB and does not have a file extension. Copy 'main' to somewhere on your computer.
  11. Make another copy of 'main' so that you have one you are going to edit, and one that is going to remain clean. If you edit the save again, keep one copy of the last known working save, and edit another separate copy. PKHeX also keeps backups of saves upon import, if you are lazy like me.
  12. Open PKHeX, click File in the top left then Open, and navigate to your save. The directory structure is an example only. Yours will be different.
  13. Right click on a Pokémon that you legitimately caught in the game, and click View.
  14. The details on the left, and the sprite up top, will change to match the Pokémon you selected. From the tabs on the left, select OT/Misc:
  15. These details will allow you to make Pokémon in the game that will obey you, because you are their original trainer. You can also edit details of traded mons to make you their OT. Take note of them.
    If you are importing a wondercard, event file or other mon file, now is the time to go to File > Open then select your mon file. Bringing it in will fill its details in the tab on the left. You can change them if you want, but it's usually better not to. Right click an empty space on the right and click Set to set the mon to that empty position, then skip to step 22.
  17. From the tabs on the left, select Main. Here you can change various things, as seen here:
  18. The EXP and level will adjust each other accordingly if one is changed. Leave Nickname unticked if you do not wish to use one. The star up top makes a mon shiny, but this should ALWAYS be done last, otherwise there is a very high chance it won't work. The country, sub region and 3DS region should always match the details of the cartridge or game the save came from (except in the case of trades).
  19. This nifty little thing is the legality check.

    The little red warning symbol appears after making a change if the Pokémon is no longer legal after the change you made. Click it to find out why. In this example, it tells you that moves 2, 3 and 4 are not valid for the picked mon, that the mon does not have valid encounter details, and that the ball and encounter type are incompatible. This Incineroar, according to the data, was met in the Ultra Space Wilds and caught in a Beast Ball, so it makes sense that it's not classified as legal.

  20. Head over to the Attacks tab to find out what's happening. More little red warning symbols tell you that moves 2, 3 and 4 are invalid. Click inside the current moves box, but not on any field (ie somewhere in the white space) to prompt PKHeX to suggest some default moves based on current level, and apply them to fix this particular issue.
  21. Other things like the origin game, met location, ball type and encounter type ('Met' tab) will vary depending on what you are trying to do. It can also vary depending on trades. Pretending the Pokémon has been traded to you, or traded upwards from older games, can sometimes help circumvent legality issues. It can be difficult to work out the kinks sometimes, but usually not terribly hard. Once you've made it legal, the legality check will show a green tick, and clicking it will do this:
  22. If you want to make it shiny, and you've done everything else, go back to the Main tab and click the star.

    This will change the PID, and may also make the Pokémon illegal. Working out shiny kinks is a huge pain in the ass sometimes. Consult the internet for more guidance.

  23. THIS PART IS IMPORTANT. Once you have made all your changes to your Pokémon, YOU MUST SET IT TO A POSITION. Right click an empty spot and Set it.

    Until you do that, your mon is just numbers. If you are editing an existing mon, Set your edited mon over the original mon. Make sure the OT details are yours (if you want them to 'belong' to you).

  24. Once you have performed your desired edits, Export your save:
  25. PKHeX will automatically select the directory you brought it in from. Saving it there is probably a good idea, unless you want to change it for some reason.
  26. Once you have exported it, copy it back to your SD card to the same directory it came from in the first place. Here is my example directory, if that helps you remember. Overwrite the existing save with the edited save.
  27. Put your SD card back in your console.
  28. Load Checkpoint, select your game, select the memorable name you chose earlier, and select Restore:

    This will inject your save file back into the game, encrypted so the game can use it.

  29. Once this succeeds, close Checkpoint, open your game, load your save and check your modifications succeeded.